Tips and Tricks

This is where you will find tips and tricks on everything from raising the kids, to how to get through kid centered administration formalitites.


  1. amyfoxwell said,

    June 17, 2009 at 6:55 pm

    My kids are generally good eaters, but even they can lose their appetite with the summer heat. So I make ‘Power Popsicles’. I make a smoothie with any kind of fruit I can find (always a banana for texture), a bit of milk, some yoghurt, and wheat germ. Then I freeze it in those popsicle makers you can find in just about any big supermarket. Have more of a need to get veggies down their throats? Then make the popsicles with Gazpacho or V8 juice. I present it as a big treat and the kids love them. The cats do too as they get to lick up all the drips.

  2. isabelle said,

    June 15, 2009 at 9:40 pm

    Hello, I’ve been asked if I knew of an english speaking gynecologist in Aix (preferably female) …. and I don’t ….. would someone be able to recommend one ?

    + same with an ostéopath ….
    THANKS in advance !

  3. amyfoxwell said,

    May 27, 2009 at 8:12 am

    Hello all – I could really use any advice any of you could give me. My son has very very dry scaly skin – bordering on eczema. Does anyone know of a good remedy/prevention for this? Thanks in advance for any help.

    • Eve Bould said,

      May 30, 2009 at 8:29 pm

      My daughter has skin issues as well, and the doctor prescribed Dexeryl. I highly recommend it. It’s a lotion that you apply twice a day both to the problem areas – and all over the body if you want, as a preventative measure. It’s used to treat and prevent extreme dryness/irritation as well as eczema and other conditions. As long as I’m diligent about applying the cream twice a day, my daughter’s skin stays clear. I think it’s usually given by prescription but it may be available OTC, from what I’ve read online.

      There was one instance (maybe related to teething – who knows) when the patches really flared up and become very red and irritated. While Dexeryl was usually enough for us, in this particular period we needed something stronger. The doctor recommended a “plus fort” OTC lotion called Cicalfate. It’s an antibacterial spot-treatment remedy, if you’re concerned about infection as well as dryness. After about a week of applying both Cicalfate and Dexeryl in combination, the patches were gone and we were able to go back to just using Dexeryl twice daily.

      I’m not a dr, of course, but that’s my two cents for what it’s worth.

  4. Meighan Merono said,

    May 14, 2009 at 6:17 pm

    Bounce that baby!

    One of the most difficult things for me with my new baby was surviving those crying jags. I had tried everything… he wasn’t hungry, his diaper was clean, and I was ready to start crying along with him. My sister visiting from San Diego showed me a nanny trick that she had learned along the way, which turned out to be a lifesaver! She took my exercise ball (the big ball that some women also use for labor) and sat down on it while holding the baby. And… she bounced. My son loved it and more often than not he will fall asleep this way. Of course I was not able to do the actual bouncing myself until I had healed from the delivery, but now I use it all the time! I found my exercise ball at Decathalon, but it can probably be found at any sporting goods store.

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